Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Guppy House - Irvine, CA : Shaved Ice & Boba Milk Tea

So we were at Diamond Jamboree again and I wanted some shaved ice. Hadn't had shaved ice in a long long time. So we headed over to Guppy Tea House and got the "to go" shaved ice. The ones you eat there are HUGE, so I thought "to go" would be enough for me.

Taro and Red Bean Shaved Ice (to go)
I remember they used to come in a wide cup with a lid type of container (kind of like Yogurtland cups) but I guess it's been a while and now it's in a big drinking cup. Kind of inconvenient for getting to the goodies on the bottom. I ordered the red bean and taro shaved ice, which comes with condensed milk as well. The red bean is the bottom most layer...looks like some condense milk and then a layer of taro, some more condensed milk and ice...and some more condensed milk. So I guess it's been a while since I've had shaved ice...but this was soooooo sweet to me. Actually I don't usually like condensed milk...perhaps without it it would be less sweet...or more ice wouldn't hurt. Stuff in Asia didn't seem so sweet...I guess this is Americanized shaved ice? Do people really like stuff this sweet? I guess you have to like condensed milk...which I don't really care for so that's probably why I didn't like it so much. (I didn't ask if you can get it without the condensed milk...that would help.)

Boba Milk Tea
Also tried someone's boba milk tea....even though Lollicup was in the same plaza...we were already at Guppy getting shaved ice so here it is. I tried it and...the boba was really mushy and small. Like it was sitting in the sugar syrup too long and it eroded, shrunk, was super sweet and mushy. Smaller than boba but bigger than pearl sized. The tea itself was...really milky. I've heard that the milk tea here isn't as good as at their original location in Cerritos so I don't usually come here to get milk I know. Now if you have a sweet tooth and want to get your sugar fix, this is the place!

Guppy House
2730 Alton Parkway, Suite 101
Irvine, CA 92614
(949) 851-9788

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